“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

John 1:14
 I was only 12 yrs. old when I led my first “Bible study.” I use that term loosely because I mostly just tried to scare my best friend, who was also 12, into being baptized. I had recently been baptized and I wanted to use my newfound knowledge to save him. I believe I meant well, but looking back I was really arrogant. I thought I held a superior spiritual position to him and that it was my duty to do something to lead him to Christ. I had a formula memorized. It was late at night, we had been playing video games and watching TV when I asked him, “what would happen if you died tonight?” Even typing it now I realize how terrible it must have come off. I’m sure he thought I was crazy! Life and death questions are very important, but it is wrong to lift up the “truth” of Jesus while ignoring the grace. At 12, I had come to the understanding of Jesus dying on the cross for my sins. Today, I am still wrestling with the grace of Jesus.  

 It is very tempting to treat people like a mathematic formula. This deed plus this deed equals this reward. The grace of Jesus destroys the mathematic formula. Grace reveals the truth that no one can merit salvation. It can only be received as an unmeritorious gift. Jesus, the only righteous one, freely gives what only he can give. That cannot be manipulated or twisted. It can only be received. How we live our lives in response to that determines whether we believe that to be true.  

 The problem with grace is that it disarms everything else we understand in life. We only want those to be saved whom we deem worthy or deserved. We reward the winners and punish the losers. We play the game in such a way to make sure that the rules fit to our advantage and our enemies’ disadvantage. But, Jesus dies for his enemies and saves the lost. Grace.  

 Grace must be the starting place. It must be the banner over our lives. If that is not the case then truth is perverted and made a lie. Truth apart from grace is no longer the truth of Jesus. That truth cannot “set us free.” Truth without grace is simply another law that we could never achieve. That only leaves us with more guilt and shame. When grace leads truth, following Jesus becomes an overflow of our faith. This is greater than a list of “do’s and don’ts” or a formula for life. It is a loving relationship walking with the living God by the Spirit that he gives us. God saves man. It is ours to receive, follow, and be transformed. Grace.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Vern Burrow says:

    Well said. If we could keep all the rules we wouldn’t need Jesus. Man can not but God did in Jesus. God’s grace is summed up in Jesus.

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  2. Cindy Burrow says:

    I am blessed by both your love of Jesus, and His saving grace, as well as your father’s. Dad and I are the picture of what His saving grace can do to broken lives. He has blessed us with generations in our children and grandchildren that pursue Him with true love and gratitude! May that never end!

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